Led Fluorescent Board is the newest type of billboard that started very well known in business circles, especially the use in cafes, restaurants, malls and shopping centers
Main advantages:
- Display effects such as fluorescent lamps
- Changing the text / image with ease, such as drawing / writing on the blackboard
- Low Power
- The speed blink / animation can be set, or can be static (without blinking / animated)
1 Package consists of:
- 1 Board
- 1 Tripod (place holder board) tripod bag
- An inverter (power adapter)
- 8 Marker / Fluorescent markers with different colors (5 marker large, 3 small markers)
Price of a set of board 40 x 60 cm: $127 (Special rates outside Indonesia)
Price of a set of board 50 x 70 cm: $145 (Special rates outside Indonesia)
Price of a set of board 60 x 80 cm: $170 (Special rates Outside Indonesia)
Led Fluorescent Board ialah tipe papan iklan terbaru yang mulai sangat terkenal di kalangan pelaku usaha, terutama pemakaian di cafe, restoran, mall dan pusat pembelanjaan
Kelebihan utama:
- Tampilan seperti efek lampu neon
- Mengganti tulisan / gambar dengan mudah, seperti menggambar / menulis di papan tulis
- Daya listrik rendah
- Kecepatan kedip / animasi dapat di atur, atau bisa statis (tanpa kedip / animasi)
1 Paket terdiri dari :Main advantages:
- Display effects such as fluorescent lamps
- Changing the text / image with ease, such as drawing / writing on the blackboard
- Low Power
- The speed blink / animation can be set, or can be static (without blinking / animated)
1 Package consists of:
- 1 Board
- 1 Tripod (place holder board) tripod bag
- An inverter (power adapter)
- 8 Marker / Fluorescent markers with different colors (5 marker large, 3 small markers)
Price of a set of board 40 x 60 cm: $127 (Special rates outside Indonesia)
Price of a set of board 50 x 70 cm: $145 (Special rates outside Indonesia)
Price of a set of board 60 x 80 cm: $170 (Special rates Outside Indonesia)
Led Fluorescent Board ialah tipe papan iklan terbaru yang mulai sangat terkenal di kalangan pelaku usaha, terutama pemakaian di cafe, restoran, mall dan pusat pembelanjaan
Kelebihan utama:
- Tampilan seperti efek lampu neon
- Mengganti tulisan / gambar dengan mudah, seperti menggambar / menulis di papan tulis
- Daya listrik rendah
- Kecepatan kedip / animasi dapat di atur, atau bisa statis (tanpa kedip / animasi)
- 1 Papan
- 1 Tripod (tempat dudukan papan) + tas tripod
- 1 Inverter (adaptor listrik)
- 8 Marker / Spidol Fluorescent dengan warna yang berbeda (5 marker besar, 3 marker kecil)
Harga 1 set board 40 x 60 cm : Rp. 850.000 (Harga Khusus Agen)
Harga 1 set board 50 x 70 cm : Rp.900.000 (JHarga Khusus Agen)
Harga 1 set board 60 x 80 cm : Rp.1.000.000 (Harga Khusus Agen)